The Celebrity Big Brother housemates have chosen Lacey Banghard, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to face eviction with Claire and Rylan – read on for details of the nominations…
Housemates nominated for the third time yesterday. As they were chosen to automatically face eviction by Speidi on Friday night, Claire and Rylan could not be nominated.
In addition, Speidi were not allowed to take part, but they were eligible to be nominated.
Ryan is first into the diary room. He nominates Heidi and Spencer, “They don’t do enough around the house,” then Razor, citing his continued snoring.
Next is Tricia who again opts for Spencer and Heidi who she brands as “false.” Her second choice is Lacey who she says is “so, so untidy.”
Frankie nominates Lacey who he thinks is “making extra effort to be noticed” and doesn’t think this is “the real Lacey.” His second choice is Spencer and Heidi who he saw “another side to” when they returned to the house. “They snapped, it was quite scary to be honest,” he adds.
Gillian is next to nominate and names Spencer and Heidi. She blames them for the “certain atmosphere” they brought into the house when they returned. Lacey is her second choice and says that all though “I love her to bits,” she can be a bit “annoying.”
Claire is the next to nominate and names Heidi and Spencer. She mentions that out of all the housemates the couple never “chips in” to help with tidying the house or helping at meal times. Her next nomination is for Lacey who she said made a crude comment which was “unladylike.”
Rylan is next and opts for Spencer and Heidi and mentions their comments that he was “fake, dishonest and played up to the cameras.” Rylan disputes this adding: “What a load of b*****ks.”
His second nomination is for Lacey. He said that during the big argument with Heidi and Spencer, they forgave Lacey for badmouthing them because of her age. He says that Lacey took “the easy route out,” while he took the brunt of the blame.
Lacey is up next and first nominates Razor, “His snoring is driving me crazy, I really just want a good night’s sleep.” Her second nomination is Spencer and Heidi, and blames their constant remarks about “wanting to go home,” which makes her more homesick.
The final housemate to nominate is Razor: “My first nomination is for Heidi and Spencer, the Americans, the pair of Pratts,” he starts. He brands them “lazy” and “rude” who were “rude to Rylan which was over the top.” He adds: “It’s not fair that they’ve got their own space to go to.”
His next nomination is for Lacey who he claims “burps all the time,” and has “terrible language,” for a lady.
Heidi and Spencer recieved eight out of a possible eight nominations, while Lacey recieved six. As a result, they join Claire and Rylan in facing the next eviction.
Read more: http://www.bbspy.co.uk/cbb11/features/0114/celebrity-big-brother-2013-who-nominated-who-round-3#ixzz2I3e3ZzP0